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The world champion Nikolina Sustic will run at the Sorrento Positano 54km

Oro nella 100km, nazionale croata di maratona e vincitrice per 5 volte della 100 del Passatore Sorrento Positano ultramarathon, 54 km (Bronze Label Iau) cresce sempre più e tutti vogliono correrla. Già centinaia gli iscritti, tra questi anche diversi grandi campioni. L’1 dicembre 2019 è stato già annunciato al via in costiera sorrentina il bresciano […]

Breaking news: medical certificate no longer required!

Are you dreaming to run the Sorrento Positano 54km and 27km on the 1st of december 2019 or the Napoli City Half Marathon on the 23rd of February 2020? NOW YOU CAN! The Italian Athletics Federation has modified part of the regulations (see below) and you are allowed to participate without any specific medical document. […]

Naples has made it! It joined the ranks of the most important races in the world.

  Naples in the ranks of the great world half marathons. What only a few years ago was a dream, today it has become reality thanks to the IAAF  Road Race Bronze label, a valuable certification for the Napoli City Half Marathon 2019 (NCHM), in terms of organization, quality of the event, spectacularity of the […]

Napoli Running flies to New York: sister cities in running!

Friday May 31st Napoli Running will represent the city and the Italian running races in a prestigious event by the organizers of the New York Marathon. NAPLES – Napoli Running flies to New York to represent Naples and all of the Italy of ‘running’at the prestigious event ‘Italy Run by Nutella Cafè 2019’ organized by The […]

VI Napoli City Half Marathon: the winner are Amsolon Nguse and Angela Tanui

  Tough weather conditions at Napoli City Half Marathon On Sunday, February 24, the 6th Napoli City Half Marathon kicked off the RunCzech running season 2019. Under difficult weather conditions – very strong wind and only four degrees – the Eritrean Nguse Amlosom won the race with the time of 1:02:09. Among women it was […]

Napoli City Half Marathon in 400 per la Staffetta Twingo

Partenza da viale Kennedy con la fiumana multicolore, il cambio ai 10 km su via Marina Amici, o forse colleghi, oppure runner che non hanno la mezza maratona nelle gambe. E ancora uomini, donne, ragazzi, coloro che si stanno preparando per distanze superiori e hanno bisogno di un allenamento sprint di dieci km. Sono i […]

RunCzech celebrating the end of its running season 2018 with Sorrento-Positano race

SORRENTO – Course records, record in number of participants, a combination of bright sun, clear sky and deep blue sea, important guests such as George Hirsch, Chairman of the Board of Directors of New York Road Runners, and Glenn Latimer, head of the elite athletes of the London Marathon, a passionate team of Napoli Running […]

Stefano Velatta confirms he will be taking part in the Sorrento Positano 2018

Biella-native Stefano Velatta, the 2017 star of the ultramarathons around Italy with the conquest of 5 Italian titles on various distances, closed his stellar competitive season with yet another victory during last December’s Sorrento Positano Ultramarathon. He was the first to show up in Sorrento, and he won in 3h28’44” in front of Marco Ferrari […]