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I fell in love with the South of the Italy

My name is Dagmara, I’m 40 years old and usually live in London.

I spent the last 16 years in England but inside my heart I’m still very Polish, very Eastern European.

I try to collect moments and experiences more than financial goods and dinner with my family will always have a better value than anything else.

I work as a nurse and running is my therapy, my escape, my happiness zone especially now.

I came to Italy first time in February 2019 to run Napoli Half Marathon and since then my life is not the same.

I fell in love with the South of the Italy, with amazing and kind people and beautiful places.

Last December I decided to try Panoramica 27km. My friends thought that I’m crazy because I hate hills and always avoid them on my training sessions. I was so scared but managed to run is without violating the time limit or nerves of the other runners. But the drama was there as I couldn’t believe myself what I’m actually doing. It was one of the best experiences in my life. I overcame my fear of hills, met amazing and kind people who helped me along the way and the views … well you have to run it to understand it. 

This year I had my tickets booked for another Race trip but unfortunately Covid had a different plan for all of us. I signed up for the digital version of the race but looks like covid had another challenge for me. My recovery takes some time and my lungs won’t be ready for a race any time soon. I decided that if I cannot run it – I will walk it– slowly and over few good days but I’ll do it to be a part of this amazing event.

Thank you for showing me the beauty of your country, thank you for welcoming me with open arms and thank you for enabling me to meet many of my new friends. Happy Christmas and see you next year !!!

Kisses from London !
