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Napoli Running flies to New York: sister cities in running!

Friday May 31st Napoli Running will represent the city and the Italian running races in a prestigious event by the organizers of the New York Marathon.

NAPLES – Napoli Running flies to New York to represent Naples and all of the Italy of ‘running’at the prestigious event ‘Italy Run by Nutella Cafè 2019’ organized by The New York Road Runners, the organization behind the famous New York City Marathon.

The invitation for the gala evening arrives directly from the Italian Consulate General in New York and it is part of a series of initiatives that will precede the race dedicated to Italians, on Sunday 2nd of  June.

The appointment is for Friday, May 31st at 18:30 local time at the NYRR RunCenter. On this special occasion Napoli Running which will be represented by Vincenzo Pascale (journalist and US Director of Development for Napoli Running) will introduce to the guests the next races: the Sorrento Positano December 1, 2019 and  the Napoli City Half Marathon, February 23, 2020

During the evening there will be also a seminar about the validity of the Mediterranean diet in sport and in particular during the race and the impact on tourism that a running event creates in all the major cities. Then the appointment with the community of Italian runners in New York will be for the 2nd of June at 8 am with the start of the 5-Mile Italy Run in Central Park.

With this exclusive invitation, Napoli Running, part of the RunCzech platform, confirms the strong international vocation and recognition abroad.

The next edition of Sorrento Positano scheduled for Sunday 1 December 2019 is just six months away, an event that is growing rapidly in terms of the number of participants and appeal, the Sorrento coast is known and renowned throughout the world. Confirmed the two routes, Ultra-marathon, 54km certified Iau Bronze Label and with an intermediate finish line at 50 Km and the Panoramica route at 27km with an intermediate finish line awarded at 21.097km (Green Ribbon Grand Prix).

In 2020, the new edition of the Naples City Half Marathon, a wonderful 21.097km journey to Naples, has already been set for February 23rd, with more than 7,000 participants in the last edition, 16 of the 250 strongest athletes in the world and 15km of the course run along the seafront. Napoli City Half Marathon is an opportunity to experience the city for the whole weekend with friends and family and to visit the historic center of Naples, an open-air museum and UNESCO heritage.

To stay updated on all the initiatives of Napoli Running, follow us on IG and Facebook

Official hashtags: #napolirunning #napolihalf #sorrentopositanoraces #allrunnersarebeautiful