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Category Archives: STORIES

I’m running in the snow, but my heart is in Sorrento

I am Tim Warner. I live in Scotland, in the countryside hills 30km from Edinburgh.When I think of Sorrento I think of Christmas and running in beautiful winter sunshine with the spectacular Amalfi coastline and wonderful Italian runners for friendly company.Oh – and the brilliant Sorrento musical Christmas tree, of course! I first ran the […]

Sorrento is my first race outside the Czech Republic

I ran Sorrento Positano on December 6, 2020, 27.72 km in 3:17:49. I run regularly with Run Czech, which is organized very successfully by Carlo Capalbo. I have already run 4 marathons and many half marathons, etc. I am already an older runner, born before (1955), but in 2017, 2018 and 2019 I was Run Czech Star, […]