A huge portion of strength, enthusiasm and the desire to participate was visible among 900 runners this morning at the 9th edition of the Sorrento-Positano, one of Napoli Running events co-organized by RunCzech. The weather was changing constantly – light rain during the start of the first race (Ultra Marathon 54 km), turned into the sun and then again heavy rain and even hailstorm during the Panoramic 28 km and Family Run & Friends. Difficult weather conditions and the temperature of only 8 degrees made it all more complicated for the runners, but the passion and the excitement were something unbelievable.
The first to finish the Ultra Marathon 54 km was Stefano Velatta (3:28:44) – a famous Italian ultra-marathon runner, the winner of five ultra-marathon distances this year. The second and the third on the podium, both Italians, were Brescian Marco Ferrari (3:31:51) and Marco Lombardi (3:43:48) respectively.
The absolute winner among women from the very beginning till the end was Noora Katariina Honkala from Finland. Her name and the time of 4:15:00 will stay forever in the history of this first edition Sorrento-Positano Ultra Marathon; almost twenty minutes later finished as second Elide Del Sindaco (ITA), 4:34:20; the third to cross the finish line was Cristina Imbucatura, 4:36:36 (ITA).
The Panoramic 28 km, which started two hours later, after the Ultra Marathon, saw the success of Giorgio Nigro, clocking at 1:39:03. He was followed by Gianluca Piermatteo (1:42:53) and Armando Ruggiero (1:44:08). The first three women finished almost simultaneously, especially the second and the third. Anna Bornaschella 2:05:11, Alessandra Ambrosio 2:05:35 and Carmela February 2:05:36.
The event is a part of the Napoli Running project dedicated to encouraging a healthy lifestyle and promoting running and tourism in the beautiful Metropolitan area of Naples. It was founded by RunCzech with local organizers with the aim to bring Napoli City Half Marathon and Sorrento – Positano events under the same management. Besides these two events Napoli Running, led by the President of the RunCzech Organizing Committee and IAAF Road Running Commission Chairman, Carlo Capalbo, is also planning to bring back the Napoli Marathon in 2019.
Informazioni: www.napolirunning.com
Contatti: marketing@napolirunning.com – info@napolirunning.com
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Ufficio Stampa
Francesca Damiani
Marketing e Comunicazione